Monday, November 28, 2011

The How to Date an Alien blog tour!

Are you getting excited?  How to Date an Alien's release date is soon approaching!  But wait THERE'S MORE. Not only will you get to read about the book on this blog, but you can check out these fine blogs from December 6th through December 16th and add a little bit more alien to your life.

December 6th- Ketch Tavern
December 7th- Diary of a book addict
Decembe  8th- Alise on Life
December 9th- All things books
December 12th- Operation Awesome
December 13th- So Write
December 14th- Pretty in fiction
December 15th-Nicole's YA Book Haven
December 16th- Market My  Words

Then come back here at the end of the tour to see if you have won the Launch Lunch!

1 comment:

  1. I AM getting excited!!! I'll definitely give you a shoutout on your release day and check out the blog tour.


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