Monday, November 7, 2011

Manic Monday rapid facts

Since it's another Manic Monday and I'm trying to wrap up edits on HTDA to get out to the world, here are some rapid facts for you all.

**I have been interviewed!  Check me out!

**There still isn't an official release day for HTDA, but I am thinking early December (if I can get my butt in gear). You know what that means? You should put it on your Christmas list.

**I had a dream about Dr. Silva from The Soulkeepers Series. It was strange and kind of cool to see a self sustaining rain forest in Illinois.

**Did you see the pretty linky that you can request an E-ARC? You should all do tha so I can plan my blog tour.

Okay, so let's go back to you. What would you like to see me do to promote HTDA? I plan on doing an online launch party, blog tour, and giveaway. Anything else that you'd like to see?

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly wait for your launch! An online launch party sounds fun.


You should leave me a comment. It would probably make me smile and then I will probably comment back. Unless you are a spambot. Then I will probably just ignore you.