Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Writerly Wednesday: The series

OH man, the end is near and the launch date for HOW TO DATE AN ALIEN is approaching. I should have an announcement soon about when ARCs will be going out and the official release date.

While you are cleaning up your pants from all the excitement you just peed into them, I'll go on with my Writerly Wednesdayness.

Today I wanted to talk about sequels and if sequels should follow the book or if it is ok for other series to be released inbetween.

There are multiple writers with multiple series (i.e. Charlaine Harris, VC Andrews, etc) and we expect them to drill out these novels one right after another. Unfortunatley not all of us are fiction factories and can pound out books like that. And most of us also have more than one novel in the works at a time.

So how do you feel when that author releases another series in the middle of the one that you are reading? What if Stephenie Meyer released another book between any of the Twilight books?  Or Suzanne Collins between the Hunger Games series?  I honestly don't know how I would feel about t hat.

I would love to see more work by these authors, but at the same time once you get wrapped up in one story line you want to finish it before getting wrapped up into another. Though, I do read multiple series and multiple books out of order. Hmmm...

How do you feel about books being released between books?


  1. I've started other books in between writing my series, but I leave them as incomplete so I can really keep my mind on the series I'm working on. It's just so I don't lose my focus.

    As a reader, though, I don't think I would have any problem with another book being released in between a book series. You usually have to wait at least a year for the next book in a series, right? In that amount of time, I've already read about thirty other books. So, I wouldn’t mind if an author releases another book before releasing one for their series.

  2. Hey, I'm Brinna. I write a blog about writing, freelancing, books and reviews. I'd love to have you write a guest post for my blog. If you're interested, please let me know.



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