Monday, February 20, 2012

First campaign challenge-The visitor

Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “Shadows crept across the wall”. These five words will be included in the word count. 
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), do one or more of these:
  • end the story with the words: "everything faded." (also included in the word count)
  • include the word "orange" in the story
  • write in the same genre you normally write
  • make your story 200 words exactly!

Shadows crept across the wall, followed by a blinding flash of orange. I shielded my eyes from the bright light, but the blinding rays managed to peak through my fingers.
“Are you the chosen one?” A voice no higher than a mouse’s squeak came from the light.
I removed my hands to see a tiny orange creature that looked half fish and half shitzu standing in the middle of the light.
“Uh, maybe?” I put my hand back up, trying not to blind myself by the bright orange rays, making shadow puppets on my bedroom walls.
The creature leaned in, squinting it’s bug eyes before it opened it’s mouth.
“Oh jeebus,” he shook his head and bits of orange goop flew onto the walls.
“Is something wrong?” I wasn’t a stranger to the paranormal, but I wasn’t use to little orange creatures with bright lights coming into my room in the middle of the night.
He sighed, “I think I beamed into the wrong room. Can you point me toward Meadowbrook drive?”
“Um, yeah, it is up a few blocks and a left at the first stop sign.”
He wiped his brow,” Oh good, Thanks!”
And with that everything faded.


  1. Ooh very interesting! Great imagery, too!

    I'm entry #19

  2. Sounds like a unique creature. Nice one! :)

  3. This was cute. I'd picture this as a middle-grade book.

    Love all the book covers on the right. There are a few I haven't read. they look yummy! :)

    1. That would be the Indelibles. There is a link to the website on the side as well. I've read most of them (especially How to Date an Alien) is definitely yummy!

  4. Haha! My brain is still trying to figure out what this creature looks like. Orange and half fish and half shitzu? Very creative. :)

    1. I picture him very short and stout, like a teapot :)

  5. LOL! Loved it! Talk about a bugs bunny 'should've taken a right a Albequerque' moment. Nice work.

    1. Now I keep saying the Bugs Bunny line over and over!

  6. This was really cute! Good job! :)

    I'm #37

  7. I love the humour in this piece! Nicely done!

  8. hahaha. I really liked how the orange...thing? wasn't meant to be in that room. LOL. Jeebus.

  9. Unique and fun - enjoyed very much :)

  10. Yes. The humor comes through. :) ha.

    And, I'm a new follower - nice to meet you!

  11. Ha, I love that he's in the wrong place. Thanks for the laugh! Mine is #71

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for making me laugh out loud. I really needed that today. And I absolutely loved the voice. It would make a great MG book.

  13. Haha! That was great! What a mistake to make when you are in search of the chosen one.

  14. Haha! That made me laugh :) voting for you!

  15. Cute! You definitely got the orange covered.

  16. Love it! Aliens are bound to make mistakes like that. So cute and funny!

  17. Best story yet. Seriously! I loved it!

  18. Very cute! The first story to make me laugh :)

  19. Very quirky and fun read. I thought it was going to be another very creepy, intense one at first! I also liked how you worked in as many oranges as possible. :)

  20. You had me laughing at the end there. Great job!

  21. Congratulations! Your story has been shortlisted and you're moving on to stage 2!! Good luck!

  22. Okay, I tried to respond to everyone and there is alot of you, so just thank you everyone for the comments!

  23. Half fish, half THAT would be a sight to behold!! Very quirky, very funny. I like it. I'm a new follower and entry #96.

  24. Short and stout, like a teapot, but orange and fishy? You really do have some imagination!


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