Friday, February 10, 2012

I am real

I was recentlly reading some comments on Amazon and one person decided to claim that all Indie works are not "real" books since we couldn't "make it" with a real publisher or agent.

There were alot of responses to this girl, but I decided to post my thoughts on it in one of my favorite online places - this blog.

I'll admit it, before I Indie published, I though Indie published books were just for people that sucked. People that couldn't get a real publishing deal with a big six house or didn't try hard enough. Then I met GP Ching.

The SoulKeepers was the first Indie published book and I was floored. Her book is so amazing! I was completely Fangirling out! And by her recent sales success, it shows that just because a book is an Indie, doesn't mean it can't sell like a traditionally published book.

How to Date an Alien is real. You can hold it in your hands or on your Ereader. It has been edited over and over again and marketed by the Indelbiles and DarkSide. You may not want to purchase my book because you are weary of online retailers or you just refuse to purchase a book not by a traditional publisher.

And that is fine, but don't tell me my book isn't real. It is out there, people are reading it and people are talking. Love it or hate it, I'm published. To say I went this way because I couldn't get an agent or traditional house is completely untrue. There was alot of agent interest in this book and I even had a relationship with a publisher. So why go Indie? At the time I was querying, an agent didn't want to take a chance on a YA science fiction book that was quirky. They either wanted all romance or all serious and I didn't want to change it. I love my book the way it is and for those that have read it and loved it I thank you.

I am real. How to Date an Alien is real and YES Caltians do exist (atleast in my head)


  1. Ignorance comes in many forms. I read so many indies now and, to me, there is no difference in the quality. I've enjoyed the stories very much.

    I plan on self publishing having never tried the traditional route, even though my editor praised my talent and said I'd have no problem being published traditionally. It's a personal choice.

    1. It's always a tough choice, but you just have to know what is right for you and your book :)

  2. This was one of my biggest fears when I decided to self-publish: that people wouldn't read it because they'd think I couldn't make it otherwise. And I'd already been published by a traditional publisher and was offered a contract on another book, and I was going to take it--until I decided to go indie with it. It was absolutely terrifying, but I don't regret it at all. I've got another indie book coming out this month--and I expect it will be as real as any other book I've got published.

    1. It is definitely real and definitely scary, but so worth it.

  3. I think in the end, the writing speaks for itself. There will be plenty of poorly written self-pubbed and indie books, just as there will be plenty of poorly written big six pubbed books.

    I wish people wouldn't judge so much.

    1. There truly are alot of poorly written of each, but Indies sometime get the brunt of it. But thanks for not judging :)

  4. I enjoyed your book very much! I even thought it was real! Well, not the aliens so much, but the book. :) I'm so glad there are options for authors publishing books because it sure gives me, the reader, plenty of fantastic books to choose from that I may have otherwise missed. A good book is a good book no matter how it gets into your hands.

    1. I am the one that stayed up late at night in fear of alien attacks, so I may argue the fact of aliens being real.

      Thanks for your support it means alot :)


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