Sunday, May 20, 2012

Indelibles Beach Bash

It's that time of year, Memorial Day is around the corner, the pools are open and you need that new Ereader loaded up with your favorite Indelibles books!

To celebrate all of our new releases The Indelibles are giving away your choice of a Kindle or Nook with all of our new release Ebooks! (This includes How to Break Up With An Alien!).

All you have to do is find the secret code word on each of our blogs (I have two!) and once you put them all together to discover the secret phrase, go back to The Indelibles blog and enter in that secret phrase to win! It's that simple! (Hint, Hint my secret words are bold and very large!)

But I really can't just leave you all with that, can I? Since there are alot of scenes focused around a coffee shop in How To Break Up With An Alien, to celebrate I'm giving away a $25 Starbucks giftcard! Now you can read your book, sip on a frappacino and the best part is it doesn't matter where you live because this is international! Just fill in the rafflecopter form below!

But before that, the part you are all waiting for, a little sneak peak into one of my FAVORITE scenes from How To Break Up With An Alien. Enjoy! And after your done head over to Shelli's blog for the next secret word.

We finished our meals and headed outside. The temperature dropped enough so that a comfortably cool summer breeze caressed the bare skin of my arms. Even with all the streetlights, the stars still shone brightly in the sky.
A group of guys stumbled out of a bar a few doors down, leaning on each other and laughing like they had just heard the funniest thing in the world. There were five of them and each one carried the strongest scent of cologne and alcohol. Simone and I made a point to walk near the art gallery that was across from the bar.
"Hey, Elvira, why you gotta be like that?" One of the guys yelled. He had douchebag hair, the kind that was overly gelled and didn't move, like a Ken doll's.
The rest of his friends let their bloodshot eyes trail in our direction. I tried to walk faster. Not only were their cat calls annoying, but I was afraid of what was on the mind of five drunken guys who saw a couple of teenage girls walking alone.
"Yeah, if you prefer some sparkly vampires, I can put some glitter on my balls for you!" Another guy laughed, swinging his hips, his greasy hair flailing around his head.
"Ugh, boys." I rolled my eyes. "Let's get out of here." I pulled Simone's elbow and tried to edge her toward the car.
But Simone didn't keep walking. She stopped, moved my hand, and did an about-face, walking right up to the greasy haired guy.
His chapped lips parted into a scummy smile. One like the villains always had in cheesy cop shows. "Hey, baby, you gonna take me up on that offer?"
I ran up to try and stop the guy from grabbing Simone, but before I got there she launched her hand out and grasped the front of his jeans. A sound like a dying rabbit came from his mouth as he kneeled down before her.
"Let's get this straight, glitter boy." She looked down at him, not letting go of his pants. "Where I come from we respect women, and nobody, I mean nobody, wants to hear you spew your nasty dribble. Got it?"
He nodded, all the color leaving his face before Simone released her grip and he fell to the street below.
"Come on, Alex, let's get out of here."
Without looking back she turned and looped her arm through mine as we headed toward her car. Suddenly I had a whole new respect for the lead barista and possibly my new best friend.

For a limited time you can check out the first book in the series, How to Date an Alien, for 99 cents on Ebook through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers

And if you are eagerly awaiting this second book you can also get it now for Ebook through Amazon & Barnes and Noble. Paperback is also available for only 8.99!


a'>">a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ace and Starbucks will def be part of my summer plans. Woot!

  2. Totally cool giveaway! Good luck, Everyone!

  3. Coffee + books=perfect day. :) Super fun giveaway

  4. Can't wait to read the book, even though I haven't encountered any aliens lately (that I know of!). :)

  5. love love love coffee and reading

  6. mmm starbucks and books. a great combo : )

  7. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Been following this hop :)


  8. Can't wait to read your books...and hoping it's while at Starbucks!

  9. So fun!!! Thank you for being in the bash

  10. The title for your book is pretty adorable. Thanks for giving us a peek in.

  11. cool contest. love the book thanks for the peek.

  12. I can see it sitting at a Starbucks, leisurely drinking my coffee, while reading How to Date an Alien and How to Break-Up With an Alien!

  13. Am I the only one who only sees one large, bold word in this post?

  14. There is another large word right next to Kindle :)

  15. Love this giveaway! Starbucks would be great while reading your book - thanks so much!

  16. Thanks for the giveaway. It was fun!

  17. Wow, ebooks AND Starbucks??? Life doesn't get any better than that!! :)

  18. Sweet, precious kryptonite! Drool.

  19. Thanks for participating. Coffee and books, best inventions in the world!

  20. MMM starbucks. <3 Coffee & Books = good combination. :) Thanks for the giveaway. ;)

  21. MMM love starbucks while reading a good book!!Thanks for the giveaway!!

  22. Thank you, Magan, for the extra giveaway! It's been fun traveling through all the Indelibles' blogs to find this secret sentence :) Oh, and I love your blog title. Not sure what YOU mean by it, but I am sure that each of your readers can make their own meaning from it. Thank you :)
    ("Holly" in rafflecopter)

  23. Fantabulous Giveway!! Feeds my 2 favourite addictions: reading and coffee. Who could ask for more, eh??
    Cheers! Trayce

  24. Thanks for the giveaway.


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