(Photo of Chris Evans from IMDB)
Since I don't have an exciting interview or anything to share, I just thought I'd go with a Friday Five with some FAQ that have come across my Twitter Feed.
1.) Will you be releasing a new contemporary book?
YES. I have been working on another stand alone New Adult title for a little while, but with the great sales of My Paper Heart, readers have been DEMANDING a sequel, so I've also started working on that. I don't have a tentative date in mind right now, but I do have a cover and it's pretty.
2.) Why is the website not "The Punching Bag Fights Back" anymore?
I have a thing for long titles, don't I? Well, coding my own website got annoying and I'm not very good at it, so I just decided to link my blog to MaganVernon.com That way I don't need to code and I can update more frequently.
3.) When will EARCs be ready for How to Marry an Alien?
The book is currently with my editor and I expect to have it back by mid-November. If I'm lucky, I can get everything incorporated by beginning of December and have EARCs out before Christmas. Great gift, ey?
4.) What are you working on right now?
Besides all these edits, working, and keeping up with my family? Uh, well I'm hoping to be done with a futuristic science fiction YA novel soon and getting to the next round of CPs. This is one I may jump in the querying pool with again. I know, bad Magan, but maybe I'll write a post on that...someday.
5.) Why haven't you talked about Adam Lambert lately?
I'm not saying that we've broke up, but I haven't been spending as much time listening to him or drooling over videos of him. This work thing has taken over my life. I've also been busy drooling over Chris Evans every chance that I get...so....
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