Monday, December 31, 2012

My twelve dollar book haul

I haven't shut up on Twitter and Facebook that I received a $12 giftcard for Amazon from my Secret Santa and bought 11 books (I did buy a 12th, but that was 99 cents and I only had 11 cents left, so it doesn't count). Since I haven't stopped talking about it, I figured I should share my book haul so you all can check out some new reads for the new year!  (Note:  Some are still on sale, but some have gone up in price)

The Coincidence of Callie and KaydenThe Secret of Ella and MichaThe Perfect GameBad Rep

Ten Tiny BreathsDown to You
Pushing the Limits (Harlequin Teen)The Truth About Faking

FALLEN CREST HIGHthe One (The Portal Trilogy-A Kin Series Novel)

Flat-Out LoveAnew (The Archers of Avalon, Book One)


  1. It looks like you made quite the haul. Would love to hear what books on this list you recommend :-)

  2. Currently I'm reading Demons Forever by Sarra Cannon and I did get a sneak peak as a beta reader to the companion novel for The Truth about Faking, so I'm eager to read that one.

    I think I'll have to go with the Coincidence of Kallie and Cayden because I'm using her cover designer and man do I love that cover!


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