Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Musings

I decided to start off my first Monday Musings back to kind of fill everyone in on what I've been up to.

Whoa. It's been awhile.

In 2009 I started on this journey of writing and getting published. I queried agents and even got a few nibbles.

In 2011 I had my first child and everything kind of went a little lopsided. I didn't know what I was doing with parenting and trying to balance all things books. Luckily I met an author named GP Ching who turned me on to self-publishing and in December 2011 my first YA book was self-published. didn't do so hot.

I was ready to give up. It took months before I even got close to making what I put into it. I didn't even know why I started writing YA and there was a lot of fighting with my husband and crying and wondering where I went wrong.

So August of 2012 I self-published my New Adult novel, My Paper Heart, and all of a sudden my luck turned around.

Since then I've put out A LOT of books ranging from Young Adult to New Adult to even one erotica. EEP.

But somewhere along the way I got lost. I found myself drowning in a numbers game in which I was obsessed with ranking and making lists. I spent too much time on social media and not enough time living my life.

After years of depression, a second child, and a move across the country (okay and a lot of pushing and prodding) I decided not to be a crazy woman and start writing for me.

How are things going now?'s okay I guess? There are days I have my ups and days I have my downs.

So, how are you doing? Are you writing? Blogging? Reading?

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