Monday, January 16, 2012

Book 2 title

Originally I was going to post the info about my Life, Love, & Lemons book on the blog today, but instead I have other plans.

I finished the first draft of book two for the My Alien Romance series last night. This doesn't mean it is going out to the world anytime soon because it still needs alot of editing, but I have been killing you all with the suspense of a title.

So without further ado the title of book two is...

How to Break Up with an Alien

Yeah! Hoping for a June release date and will definitely be getting in touch with bloggers this spring. I also plan to have a cover reveal soon :)

What do you think the book is about? Does the title make you  nervous for Ace and Alex?

1 comment:

  1. *sighs* Oh boy! What did Ace do now? Does he need his butt kicked? LOL. Can't wait to read it, Magan! Congrats on finishing the first draft!


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