Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pot O' Gold Giveaway Hop

Pot o' Gold giveway Hop

The Pot o' Gold Giveaway Hop is Coming – All Day on St. Patrick's Day!

19 amazing authors have come together to give away $100 in gift cards to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, & Starbucks – plus eBooks, swag, and even more great prizes!
Just visit any of the following Facebook pages from midnight to midnight, Eastern time on Thursday, March 17th. Then hop to the next author on the list for more chances to WIN!
Don't forget to give the pages a LIKE – and check out their books. You might find your next great read!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

IGNITE by Karen Erickson Release Blast and Giveaway!

Ignite by Karen Erickson is LIVE! 
Keep scrolling for an exclusive excerpt and enter to win a $25 gift card.

Series: Wildwood Book 1
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Release Date: March 15, 2016
Page Count: 169 pages
Weston Gallagher is falling hard—for the wrong woman. One night of passion has haunted him for years. Now he’s got a second chance to get the girl of his dreams…but there’s just one problem: She hates him. 
Eight years after he stormed out of Wildwood, California, West has returned to his hometown as a firefighter. His friends and family are thrilled he’s back—with the exception of Harper Hill. His sister’s best friend is all grown up and in all the right ways. He knows she’s going to do everything she can to protect her heart and keep him at arm’s length, but West has other ideas. He will win the girl that got away. No matter what it takes…

Buy From: Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (CA) | Amazon (AU) | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play


“I remember exactly what you felt like in my arms, that night I kissed you,” he continued. “What you tasted like. The sounds you made. How you’d clutch me closer every time I tried to pull away.”
She dipped her head forward, her eyes tightly closed as she remembered too. The way he felt, the sounds he made, the way he tasted. He shifted closer, his mouth—oh God his mouth— was right at her nape, his hands resting lightly on her hips. “I’m curious to see if it’s still just as good between us,” he murmured against her skin, his warm lips making her shiver.
His hands on her body and his mouth moving against her neck made her want to melt. It was going to be good. So good she would probably combust at first touch of his mouth on hers.
“Turn around, Harper,” he whispered into her hair, and she opened her eyes, turning slowly so she could face him. Her knees were so wobbly she leaned against the front door so she wouldn’t fall to the ground in a boneless heap. West stepped into her personal space, his big hands braced against the door on either side of her head, his intense gaze zeroed in on her lips. “I didn’t plan on this happening tonight.”
“Plan on what happening tonight?” she asked with a slight frown. Oh God, maybe he didn’t want her after all. Maybe he was trying to let her down easy? She should’ve just left. It was complete torture, knowing he was most likely going to say something nice so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings. She held her breath, waiting for the inevitable blow.
His lids lowered as he dipped his head, his mouth landing on hers and her eyes slid closed once more, relief flooding her as she automatically reached for him, looping her arms around his neck. He didn’t touch her, his hands remained on the door, but his mouth did wondrous things. Soft and seeking, warm and damp, his lips brushed against hers once. Twice. She parted her lips beneath his the third time but he didn’t take it any deeper. No, he was slow, methodical, purposeful. Learning her, driving her out of her mind.


Karen’s publisher is giving away a $25 gift card (Amazon, B&N or iBooks) to one randomly chosen winner.

Meet the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson writes what she loves to read – sexy contemporary romance. Published since 2006, she’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children. She also writes new adult romance as NYT & USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy.

Connect with Karen: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Newsletter

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bite The Bullet Release Blitz!

I don't know what happened to my life.

Just a few months ago, I was independent and had an exciting job I loved. Now, along with my friends, I'm in hiding.

Why? Because I'm one of the Five, a group of human women bestowed with powers and abilities to fight and control supernatural beings. A prophesy was written about us centuries ago. We are supposed to save the world, though none of us knows how.

Now, Cornelius, the leader of a malevolent group known as the Faction believes that by killing us and absorbing our power, he will become unstoppable in his bid to control not only the supernatural domain, but the entire world.

After evading capture and an attempt on my life forced me into months of hiding, I finally have a chance to take action against the Faction — as bait.

Asher Leroux, the vampire tasked with helping me, makes me feel things I don't understand. It's as if he fills the empty places in my soul, spaces that I didn't know existed.

As the final battle draws closer, I know that defeating the Faction won't give me back the life I once had, but maybe that's not such a bad deal after all.

Amazon           iBooks

                               Kobo                Barnes & Noble 

                                                   Amazon            Kobo               

                                  Barnes & Noble 

A native Texan, C.C. grew Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine.  Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

#Workathomemom Life

Does anyone follow the hashtag #Workathomemom ?

That's me. That's a lot of what I post.

The glamorous life of being a writer who works at home. My kids are in preschool until 1:30 (until 2:30 if I pay an extra $7 a day), but basically that is my time to do everything: write, clean, eat, etc.

Want to know my daily schedule? It's really glamorous.

You're getting it anyway.

5:30 AM - Alarm goes off, I roll over, husband goes for a boob squeeze and I yelp, getting out of bed.

All before 6 AM - Feed the dog, let the dog outside, put kids lunches and book bags in the car, fill water bottles, put husband's lunch and laptop in the car. Start his car. Make coffee. Put husband's coffee in the car. Get more boob grabs.

6 AM - Pour myself coffee and then have two kids stumble into the kitchen.
Make breakfast. Feed kids. Get kids dressed. Idly check Facebook. Break up 12 fights.

8:30 AM - Leave for school, drop kids off, deal with a crying mess.

9:30- Back home. Start dinner in the crockpot. Clean while listening to an audio book.

11 - Stop cleaning, pull a burrito in a jar out of the fridge, eat while scrolling Facebook.

11:30 - Put on Criminal Minds and write until it's time to pick up the kids.

2- Leave to pick up the kids, get them in the car, youngest falls asleep. Put youngest in bed, do crafts with the oldest.

4- Husband gets home, starts snacking on everything while he see's that dinner is in the crockpot.

5- Eat dinner (because we're old)

5:30 - Clean up dinner, brush teeth, make lunches for the next day.

6:30- Bath for the kids, pick up toys.

7:00- Watch a movie or TV show with kids on our laps.

8:00- Put kids to bed, I try and write, get poked a lot with husband's peen.

9- Passed out.

I know my life is glamorous. But in the time I do write, I use it. I use it well, trying to get 5K a day. This isn't my every day, but pretty darm close.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Publishing Step 2: Edit. Read. Edit some more.

Okay I should have got to this earlier, but I'm here now.

Is your book written?

If not you should go back to my first post.

If it is, CONGRATS!

Now what?

Now it's time for you to edit.

First there is self-editing.


First. Set it down.

I know, easier said than done when it wont get out of your head, but do it.

Okay, I know you didn't.

Now it's time to read over it again. See if there are any scenes that are dragging, any typos, etc.

Now that you think you have a masterpiece it's time to find a critique partner.

What's that and what do you need it?

A critique partner is someone who you work with to trade manuscripts with and critique. Give each other notes (constructive criticism). It's better to use a critique partner because you become a better writer when you read and you have someone who is also a writer to read your work.

How do you find a critique partner?

There are many online organizations and other places, but first I'd figure out what you're writing?


Then Romance Writers of America may be a great place to start. They have a ton of local chapters and online ones.

You can also just google "writers groups in my area". To start, meeting other writers might be best then you can find out who you vibe with and sometimes it's good to know that there are people like you who aren't just behind a computer.

There are also great conferences you can go to as a newer writer with workshops. RWA, RT, UTOPYACON, are all great resources.

Now that you have the critique partner you two can trade manuscripts. Remember that it's nothing personal. They're there to build you up, not tear you down. It may take a few different critique partners, but eventually you'll find your mesh.

Up next.  Trad or Indie? The choice is yours.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Publishing. Step 1: WRITE THE DAMN BOOK

I get a lot of emails, messages, and just overall questions from people who want to begin the publishing process.

So I decided, maybe it was time I write a blog post about it.

But I can't get everything in one post, so I'll be doing around...eighteen or so. I'm not a math whiz, so this could change the number.

The first big thing I ask anyone who has said to me "Hey, I wrote a book and I have publishing questions" is...

"Is the book finished?"

99 percent of the time the answer is "No."

Here's my biggest advice: WRITE THE DAMN BOOK.

I know, I know I make it seem so easy (Yes, I've written a book in ten days).


It starts with a spark an idea.

You know you have one that's been itching at you.

Now here's the tricky part. You may think you're not an outliner, but really it helps. It helps to get the story moving. Even if you veer off from your outline, it's a start.

For outlining, there are many different methods. I recommend picking up the book Take off your pants I know a lot of people who never plotted and said this book has helped them immensely.

I'm also a big fan of Save The Cat  It's a screenwriting book, but it definitely helps to figure out where you need certain plot points in your novel. You may not need them there or think you need them, but hey at least it's a guide.

Now make a goal. It could be just to write every day (even if it's one word). It could be 50 words. Heck it could be 5000 words. Whatever it is, just try to write every day.

Another thing that helps writing?


Yes, read.

Read what you think your book genre is. No, don't plagiarize word from word of a favorite author, but they can help to inspire you. What draws you to their story? Is it the hot bad boy with a heart of gold? The mystery? Use that in your own story.

Now keep writing. Don't stop to edit. I know, I know, a lot of people edit while they write, but STOP it. The  most important part is finishing the book.

The next step is editing, beta readers, and critique partners, but for now I leave you with:  WRITE THE DAMN BOOK.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

The end of one chapter and the start of another.

2015 is almost over

Closing one chapter and starting another.

2015 was a crazy year for me. As I blogged about before, I was ready to quit writing. I was ready to just go back to work and step away from it all.

Obviously that didn't happen.

If there was one thing I learned in 2015, it was that being positive is the most important thing you can do.

I was always looking at the negative, complaining when I could, ranting, putting it all out there on social media.

And I realized that nobody really likes that person and I didn't even like myself.

It took another cross country move and two back-to-back book releases for me to realize that.

2015 was the year that Magan realized she was a bitch and had to remedy that.

2016 is going to be the year of positive town!

I wont complain about my wrists hurting from carpal tunnel or if I have a slow month. Instead I'll look at what I've already accomplished and how to boost the next release.

In 2015 I published The Only Way and ended the My Paper Heart series with A Paper Trail and These Paper Walls. We also saw the beginning of the Forever Sweet series.

In 2016, the last four books in the Forever Sweet series will be out, along with the start to the Friendship, Texas series, the end of The Only series, annnnnd two big surprises that will be revealed later.

I'm trying to be positive and write more, buuuuut my space bar is sticking and it may need to be cleaned. My kids also threw play doh at me.

Have a great new year, people. See you soon!